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Quantitative Biology

ISSN 2095-4689

ISSN 2095-4697(Online)

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Quant. Biol.    2016, Vol. 4 Issue (4) : 270-282
A resistant method for landmark-based analysis of individual asymmetry in two dimensions
Sebastián Torcida1(),Paula Gonzalez2,Federico Lotto3
1. Dpto. Matemática-Exactas, UNCPBA. Tandil 7000, Argentina.
2. Fac. de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, UNLP-CONICET. La Plata 1900, Argentina
3. Instituto de Veterinaria Ing. Fernando N. Dulout (IGEVET), Facultad de Cs. Veterinarias, UNLP-CONICET. La Plata 1900, Argentina
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Background: Symmetry of biological structures can be thought as the repetition of their parts in different positions and orientations. Asymmetry analyses, therefore, focuses on identifying and measuring the location and extent of symmetry departures in such structures. In the context of geometric morphometrics, a key step when studying morphological variation is the estimation of the symmetric shape. The standard procedure uses the least-squares Procrustes superimposition, which by averaging shape differences often underestimates the symmetry departures thus leading to an inaccurate description of the asymmetry pattern. Moreover, the corresponding asymmetry values are neither geometrically intuitive nor visually perceivable.

Methods: In this work, a resistant method for landmark-based asymmetry analysis of individual bilateral symmetric structures in 2D is introduced. A geometrical derivation of this new approach is offered, while its advantages in comparison with the standard method are examined and discussed through a few illustrative examples.

Results: Experimental tests on both artificial and real data show that asymmetry is more effectively measured by using the resistant method because the underlying symmetric shape is better estimated. Therefore, the most asymmetric (respectively symmetric) landmarks are better determined through their large (respectively small) residuals. The percentage of asymmetry that is accounted for by each landmark is an additional revealing measure the new method offers which agrees with the displayed results while helping in their biological interpretation.

Conclusions: The resistant method is a useful exploratory tool for analyzing shape asymmetry in 2D, and it might be the preferable method whenever a non homogeneous deformation of bilateral symmetric structures is possible. By offering a more detailed and rather exhaustive explanation of the asymmetry pattern, this new approach will hopefully contribute to improve the quality of biological or developmental inferences.

Author Summary  A resistant method for studying individual shape asymmetry in two dimensions is introduced, which uses the geometry of data to estimate the underlying symmetric shape. Unlike the classical least-squares approach, it is shown show that asymmetry is more accurately measured when a resistant method is used instead; this helps symmetry departures to be more easily understood. The percentage of asymmetry accounted for by each landmark can also be computed in the process, providing an objective basis for a comprehensive characterization of asymmetry. Overall, the resistant method turns out to be a useful exploratory tool whenever a non homogeneous deformation of bilateral symmetric structures is possible.
Keywords resistant procrustes method      shape asymmetry      matching and object symmetry      landmarks     
Corresponding Author(s): Sebastián Torcida   
Just Accepted Date: 25 October 2016   Online First Date: 23 November 2016    Issue Date: 01 December 2016
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Sebastiá,n Torcida,Paula Gonzalez, et al. A resistant method for landmark-based analysis of individual asymmetry in two dimensions[J]. Quant. Biol., 2016, 4(4): 270-282.
Fig.1  Steps for the resistant analysis of matching symmetry.

(A) The same resistant location center (darkest dots) is computed for both mirror copies. (B) Configurations are translated to place their corresponding resistant center (black dot) at the origin of coordinates. (C) Difference vectors (dotted lines) are first normalized, and their sphmed (arrow) is afterwards computed. The estimated resistant median axis (dashed line) is the line perpendicular to sphmed. (D) Any of the copies (the yellow one in this case) is reflected about the estimated median axis. An additional resistant Procrustes superimposition filters out the eventually remaining differences due to scale and/or orientation.

Fig.2  Matching symmetry: fitted configurations by using the resistant (left) and the LS (right) Procrustes method.

A resistant measure of asymmetry is given by the sum of non-squared Euclidean distances across landmarks, where each landmark contributes the corresponding proportion of exhibited lack of fit. The resistant symmetric shape (not shown) is the row-wise spatial median from the matched configurations.

Landmark Contribution % to asymmetry (Res) Contribution % to asymmetry (LS)
1 0.0668 3.3492
2 28.9533? 17.0307?
3 14.1879? 6.6644
4 0.0325 2.9273
5 0.0387 2.8304
6 0.0482 2.7569
7 0.0663 2.7147
8 0.0602 2.9986
9 0.0611 3.2828
10 0.0656 3.567?
11 2.5674 4.2481
12 30.5805? 16.6064?
13 23.1067? 12.5457?
14 0.0098 3.458?
15 0.0114 3.1926
16 0.0189 3.5635
17 0.0477 3.9408
18 0.0770 4.3228
100.0000?? 100.0000??
Tab.1  Matching symmetry geometric example.
Fig.3  Steps for the resistant analysis of object symmetry.

(A) The structure consists of unpaired landmarks 1 to 5, and paired landmarks 6–11, 7–12, 8–13, 9–14, 10–15. (B) A resistant location center (red dot) is computed and the configuration is afterwards translated to place this resistant center at the origin of coordinates. (C) For every pair of unpaired landmarks, the corresponding unit-length direction vectors (arrows) are computed. (D) For every pair of paired landmarks, the corresponding difference vectors (dotted lines) are computed. (E) All paired differences are projected onto every unpaired direction and onto their sphmed direction also (arrows), and the corresponding sum of projection lengths (red lines) is computed. The unpaired or sphmed direction achieving the least sum of projections lengths is the estimated median axis (dashed line). (F) The original configuration (filled dots) is reflected (open dots) about the estimated median axis. The resistant symmetric shape (not shown) is the row-wise spatial median from the original and the reflected configurations.

Fig.4  Object symmetry: original configuration (orange dots) and the estimated symmetric shape (green dots) when the resistant (left) and the LS (right) Procrustes methods are used.

Resistant asymmetry is measured through the sum of non-squared Euclidean distances across landmarks between them; each landmark contributes the proportion of displayed lack of fit in the overall sum.

Landmark Contribution % to asymmetry (Res) Contribution % to asymmetry (LS)
1 9.3158 11.4231?
2 0.0000 4.2057
3 0.0000 3.9795
4 25.4068? 15.6850?
5 0.0000 3.5271
6 0.0000 3.3087
7 26.6502? 17.9146?
8 5.9884 3.9430
9 0.0000 2.7740
10 0.0000 2.6496
11 0.0000 3.3087
12 26.6502? 17.9146?
13 5.9884 3.9430
14 0.0000 2.7740
15 0.0000 2.6496
100.0000?? 100.0000??
Tab.2  Object symmetry geometric example.
Fig.5  Simulated biological example of matching symmetry: digitized landmarks from Drosophila melanogaster wings.

Asymmetry between sides was artificially introduced in landmarks 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13.

Fig.6  Resistant vs LS results for the Drosophila melanogaster wings.

One of the configurations (black dots) and the estimated symmetric shape (orange dots) are shown.

Landmark Contribution % to asymmetry (Res) Contribution % to asymmetry (LS)
1 1.6566 6.2517
2 1.8427 6.6286
3 0.7217 5.4708
4 1.1847 5.7650
5 0.7929 5.9256
6 0.8393 5.9218
7 20.163?? 17.358??
8 14.014?? 6.0611
9 24.716?? 11.6390?
10 26.223?? 12.6910?
11 0.1862 5.5184
12 0.8967 5.3457
13 6.7633 5.423?
100.0000?? 100.0000??
Tab.3  Matching symmetry biological example (Drosophila wings).
Fig.7  Simulated biological example of object symmetry: digitized landmarks from a human face.

Landmarks 1 to 6 are unpaired, and paired landmarks are 7-14, 8-15, 9-16, 10-17, 11-18, 12-19 and 13-20. Asymmetry was artificially introduced in unpaired landmarks 4 and 5 and in paired ones 7, 16, 17, 18 and 19.

Fig.8  Resistant vs LS results for the human face.

The original configuration (black dots) and the estimated symmetric shape (orange dots) are shown.

Landmark Contribution % to asymmetry (Res) Contribution % to asymmetry (LS)
1 0.0000 0.7883
2 0.0000 1.3007
3 0.0000 1.8856
4 13.2750? 9.4706
5 20.6000? 14.9791?
6 0.9155 6.0078
7 6.3636 4.1969
8 0.5118 1.2582
9 4.3428 4.4145
10 7.4554 7.4663
11 4.1453 5.1682
12 8.6189 6.8189
13 1.1671 3.4610
14 6.3636 4.1969
15 0.5118 1.2582
16 4.3428 4.4145
17 7.4554 7.4663
18 4.1453 5.1682
19 8.6189 6.8189
20 1.1671 3.4610
100.0000?? 100.0000??
Tab.4  Object symmetry biological example (human face).
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