Engineering Informatics: State of the Art and Future Trends |
Li-da Xu() |
Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA 23529, USA |
Abstract Engineering informatics is an emerging engineering discipline integrating information technology or informatics with a variety of engineering disciplines. It is an interdisciplinary scientific subject focusing on applying advanced information and communications technology (ICT) to a variety of engineering disciplines. Rapid advances in industrial information integration methods have spurred the growth of new techniques that can be used for probing industrial information integration including engineering informatics. These techniques include business process management (BPM), enterprise architecture (EA), enterprise application integration (EAI), service-oriented architecture (SOA), and others. Practical applications may require a combination of these techniques that have originated from different disciplines. These techniques have the potential to contribute to engineering informatics. For integrating complex engineering systems, both formal methods and systems methods are crucial. In this paper, we briefl review the state of the art of engineering informatics as it interfacing with industrial information integration.
engineering informatics
industrial integration
industrial information integration engineering (IIIE)
engineering management
Corresponding Author(s):
Li-da Xu
Issue Date: 04 February 2015
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