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Frontiers of Engineering Management

ISSN 2095-7513

ISSN 2096-0255(Online)

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Front. Eng    2014, Vol. 1 Issue (4) : 402-405
Raising Standards of Engineering Ethics through Student Teams
Wei Dong1,*(),Hu Cheng2,Yuan Zhang3
1. Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
2. Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
3. Present Management Consulting Co. Ltd., Xiamen 361021, China
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Reducing the frequency of engineering accidents is a “people’s responsibility.” Increased attention to engineering ethics is inevitable. Engineering ethics are a stance, attitude or outlook, not easily learned by lectures. This article explores the utility of student teamwork by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior and acknowledging the benefits of professional knowledge and professional ethics possessed by the professional teachers, under professional teacher guidance, in order to improve levels of engineering education ethics. There are 5 key points: ① team member recruitment standards; ② team size; ③ team name and motto; ④ team group activities; ⑤ extending the spirit into the post-graduate period.

Keywords engineering ethic      professional teachers      students’ team      engineering management     
Corresponding Author(s): Wei Dong   
Online First Date: 17 April 2015    Issue Date: 07 May 2015
 Cite this article:   
Wei Dong,Hu Cheng,Yuan Zhang. Raising Standards of Engineering Ethics through Student Teams[J]. Front. Eng, 2014, 1(4): 402-405.
Year Metro/tunnel Road/bridge Housing
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2009 52 29 581 514 45 32
2010 61 30 656 543 34 27
2011 61 32 668 538 34 25
Tab.1  Civil Engineering Accidents in China 2008–2011 (Li, 2013)
Fig.1  Planned behavior theory. Adapted from Icek Ajzen (1991).
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