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Front. Phys.    2023, Vol. 18 Issue (1) : 13601
Topological invariants for anomalous Floquet higher-order topological insulators
Biao Huang()
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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We review the recent development in constructing higher-order topological band insulators under strong periodic drivings. In particular, we focus on various approaches in formulating the anomalous Floquet topological invariants beyond (quasi-)static band topology, and compare their different physical consequences.

Keywords topological      Floquet      higher-order     
Corresponding Author(s): Biao Huang   
Issue Date: 27 October 2022
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Biao Huang. Topological invariants for anomalous Floquet higher-order topological insulators[J]. Front. Phys. , 2023, 18(1): 13601.
Fig.1  (a) Phase diagram parameterized by dimensionless (γ,λ)(γT/(2?),λT/(2?)). (b) One representative in-gap corner state amplitude in phase ④, with others in different corners. (c, d) Open-boundary spectrum (Lx×Ly=20×20) in different phases. Parameters are 2(γ,λ)=(π4,π2),(π2,π4),(3π4,π2),(π2,3π4) for phases ①?④ respectively. Figures taken from Ref. [52].
Fig.2  Schematic illustration of dynamical polarization. Figure taken from Ref. [52].
Fig.3  Toy scenario showing the need for x^mean(t).
Fig.4  Figures taken from Ref. [52] for the model in Eq. (5). Solid/dashed lines denotes +/? sign for the hopping amplitude so each plaquette carries π-fluxes.
Fig.5  (a) Exemplary first-order dynamical branches νx,μ(ky,t) in phase ④ at t=T/2. Four branches for each ε-gap separate into two doubly degenerate sets ±νx. Other phases/instants t exhibit νx,μ(ky,t) of similar structures. (b) Quadrupolar motions ?νy,μ~(νx)?(t) in a cycle, with the same parameters as in Fig.1 for each phase respectively. Generically the 1/2 crossing needs not to occur at t=T/2 if the chiral symmetry is broken. Figures taken from Ref. [52].
Fig.6  Dynamical singularity when the parameters γ,λ in the model of Fig.4 takes various values in the phase diagram. (a) Parametrization for different values of γ,λ, where the contour across all 4 phases is parametrized by g. (b) The size of π-gap for U(k,t), where we see that the phase transition is associated with destroying or creating a dynamical singularity at t=T. (c) The size of π-gap for the periodized Uε=π(k,t). Due to chiral symmetry for Uε=π, the dynamical singularity always occur at t=T/2. In (b) and (c), the red-color (for vanishing π-gap) marks the instants where dynamical singularities exist.
Fig.7  Representative instant spectrum for three points in Fig.6(c). Each band is doubly degenerate.
Fig.8  The mirror graded winding numbers within the reduced Brillouin zone defined by Mxy(k)=k.
Dynamical polarization Dynamical singularity and crystalline symmetry graded invariant
Topology concerning? Bulk enforced real space boundary High symmetry region in Brillouin zone
How to change invariant? Bulk or edge gap closure Must be bulk gap closure within symmetric Brillouin zone
Tab.1  Comparison between different approaches to characterize anomalous Floquet higher-order topology.
Fig.9  Quasienergy spectrum of the Floquet operator under different boundary conditions. Here (γy,λ)= (π/2)(1,0.25) is fixed. Should γx=γy (green dashed line), it corresponds to phase ③ in Fig.1(a) with π corner modes. Decreasing γx below γx(c)1.2 destroys these corner modes. (a) and (b) clearly show that an edge (rather than bulk) topological phase transition occurs around γx(c) where the edge π-gap closes while the bulk gap remains open.
Fig.10  DP for the extended model. We see that the corner states in Fig.9(c) is characterized by DP across the edge topological phase transition.
Fig.11  Dynamical singularity for the extended model is immediately gapped out when the Mxy is broken by γxγy, although corner states still exist for certain ranges as shown by Fig.9(c).
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